
Map of Cave

No sunlight reaches into this pitch-dark cave. Only the fain glow of ore will guide you on your way.

Research Level 2
35000 XP
Research Level 3
55000 XP
Research Level MAX
70000 XP

Alternative Routes

  • Rimstone Path

    This path requires research level 3.

    You must follow these steps each time to follow this path.

    1. Follow the standard path.
    2. Right as you enter the enclosed area look left.
    3. Hit the Crobat with an Illumina orb to make it fly away.
    4. Look to the ceiling on the right.
    5. Play the melody. A Gengar will come out of the portal and awaken the Crobat next to it.
    6. Scan to take the new path.
  • Underground Flowers

    This path requires research level 3.

    You must follow these steps each time to follow this path.

    1. Take the first alternative path.
    2. As you descend, look down. There will be a Mawile and two Carbink.
    3. A Diance will appear.
    4. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to make it use a move.
    5. A Mawile a just a little further down the path will turn around to see. This opens the new path.

Available Pokémon